[Photoshop.CS4数码绘画基础教程]Digital Tutors Fundamentals Of Digital Drawing 1. Introduction and Project Overview.flv 10. Cross Hatching Techniques.flv 11. Using Cross Hatching To Add Texture.flv 12. Breaking Down Objects Into Basic Steps.flv 13. Character Concept- Begining With Basic Shapes.flv 14. Character Concept- Rough Linework.flv 15. Character Concept- Begining Refined Linework.flv 16. Character Concept- Continuing Refined Linework.flv 17. Character Concept- Begining To Add Value.flv 18. Character Concept- Finishing Value.flv 2. Basic Types Of Lines.flv 3. Drawing Contour Lines- Basic Shapes and Construction Lines.flv 4. Drawing Contour Lines- Refining Shapes.flv 5. Drawing Countour Lines- Applying Contour Lines.flv 6. Drawing Contour Lines- Completing Contour Lines.flv 7. Understanding Blind Contour Lines.flv 8. Introduction To Value Hatching.flv 9. Contour Hatching Techniques.flv